Shared Energy Scheme

With Clear Utility Solutions

Between 2020 and 2023, Clear Utility Solutions have saved over half a millions pounds of public money and prevented 690,000 kg of CO2e emissions across England with their scheme of bulk buying energy on behalf of Parish and Town Councils. The joint purchasing power of the scheme allows Clear Utility Solutions to be more competitive with suppliers, driving prices down.


Chris Draper – Director at Clear Utility Solutions said “I am extremely proud of what we have achieved so far, with the continued support of the association partnerships the sky is the limit on what we can achieve, i would like to say a big thank you to all clerks and councillors who have come to us so far and as always, whatever the question or query we are here if you need us”

There is a short video to explain a little bit about how they can help. Click here

For more information and to sign up: